It´s all about collage

I’m sure you know something about collage. This technique is constantly present in the media. Book covers, movie posters, theater, record covers or even content on social networks. The appropriation of this way of working is widely used in graphic design and art. But what does this repeated use tell us beyond its popularity? Answering this is not easy, perhaps not even possible, but when we search for answers we are immersed in a universe of possibilities. That is collage, an open possibility.

It can be defined as essential power. What exists, by the mere fact of existing, is possible. Let’s think how before it existed it was possible. Therefore, many things are possible even if they do not exist at the present moment. Collage works on that fine line: between what is possible, what exists and what is real. The collage brings something possible but non-existent to the real.

Although being honest, something already existing is always recovered. In any case, the collage works with remains, fragments or pieces of past existences. It’s a kind of archaeology. Just as the archaeologist makes stones speak, the collage artist revives remains of other lives, gives them a new voice.

But is the new voice something prior to existence, or is it just something in the thoughts of those who think of its possibility?