Saxa loquuntur

Shortly before his death, Freud used a phrase to explain the role of psychoanalysis in relation to the mind: Saxa loquuntur. This Latin expression means the stones speak. Thus, in 1896, in his treatise on hysteria, Freud explained that the psychoanalyst, like the archaeologist, discovers vestiges of history.

Symptoms such as stones can be made to speak. The idea of talking stones has always fascinated me. My imagination falls short when I try to visualize everything that the stones or the layers of the earth can tell.

In this regard, I remember a dream I had years ago. In the dense darkness, flashes of light appeared from all sides. Gradually, the picture revealed two figures that became people. Once the dark material was removed from my field of vision, I knew from the expressions on my face and the material that lit up around me that I was a fossil.

From that day on I added the stones to my identification list. At one point I was almost certain I could feel his breath. So, it doesn’t surprise me that stones speak. A few months ago, I took some little pebbles and made some collages on them, it was like putting them on.